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Kung Fu Flash XP

Kung Fu Flash XP

Introducing the Kung Fu Flash XP ! Designed to make the KFF cart more convenient. The " X tension P od" allows the controls to be placed in a more...

Kung Fu Flash XP

Introducing the Kung Fu Flash XP ! Designed to make the KFF cart more convenient. The " X tension P od" allows the controls to be placed in a more...

Here it is! Commodore4ever VXI  Video Xpansion Interface

Here it is! Commodore4ever VXI Video Xpansion ...

As of the writing of this blog the VXI is working well, Case is Complete (for the breadbin), and final PCB is in production. So what is it? It is...

Here it is! Commodore4ever VXI Video Xpansion ...

As of the writing of this blog the VXI is working well, Case is Complete (for the breadbin), and final PCB is in production. So what is it? It is...

Special Edition Joystick Testers in stock

A couple of months back I ran out of the joystick testers. I wanted to restock but also revamp the design of the tester. Got to tinkering around and came...

Special Edition Joystick Testers in stock

A couple of months back I ran out of the joystick testers. I wanted to restock but also revamp the design of the tester. Got to tinkering around and came...

Video Solution closer to completion

Video Solution closer to completion

For the most part the case for the video out solution is complete. There are a few other tweaks that will need to be made. The function of the unit...

Video Solution closer to completion

For the most part the case for the video out solution is complete. There are a few other tweaks that will need to be made. The function of the unit...

Lots of new stuff and one BIG product on the way!

Lots of new stuff and one BIG product on the way!

I've been busy the last few days. If you know me, then you know my kids where here for the whole summer. Lots of fun for sure but not much...

Lots of new stuff and one BIG product on the way!

I've been busy the last few days. If you know me, then you know my kids where here for the whole summer. Lots of fun for sure but not much...

Commodore4ever BBS is in Testing.

Commodore4ever BBS is in Testing.

Finally have the BBS test running. Seems to be pretty stable. Setting up a BBS with SARTLINK as a provider proved to be a little challenging. STARLINK doesn't offer port...

Commodore4ever BBS is in Testing.

Finally have the BBS test running. Seems to be pretty stable. Setting up a BBS with SARTLINK as a provider proved to be a little challenging. STARLINK doesn't offer port...