Lots of new stuff and one BIG product on the way!

Lots of new stuff and one BIG product on the way!

I've been busy the last few days. If you know me, then you know my kids where here for the whole summer. Lots of fun for sure but not much time for anything else. Now they have returned to their mother and I have had some free time to work on some projects.

First, I have redesigned the cases for the wifi modems. In my opinion they are so much better than anything I have tried before. Hope you like them. The cases will fit any of the older v2.3 modems I made. So I will have the option to purchase the cases for anyone interested.

Kung Fu Flash carts also got new cases. They are the same old design but printed in MUCH better quality. I also have a new design on the way that has a breakout board so that the KFF cart can more easily be used with 128D or any commodore that you have issues reaching the back for some reason or another.

The popular Q-36 Rapid Fire is BACK with a new case design also. Looks much better and allows for faster production.

I've designed my own version of the 1541 Diagnostic Cartridge based on the popular World of Jani design. Allows for case or no case when ordering.

I've been needing to restock the joystick testers for quite a while now so instead of going for the same old design as before I decided to have a little fun. These are on the way now and available for preorder. Expected ship date on orders is September 5th.

Now to the big one. This is the one that I have wanted to do for a while now. An easy all in one video solution for your commodore 64 with other versions on the way. Check out the short video below.

Let me know what you think!


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