Commodore4ever BBS is in Testing.

Commodore4ever BBS is in Testing.

Finally have the BBS test running. Seems to be pretty stable. Setting up a BBS with SARTLINK as a provider proved to be a little challenging. STARLINK doesn't offer port forwarding so a work around had to be figured out. With a little bit of searching on Google I was able to come up with a fix.

I have the BBS running on a 128D with a Thunderdrive and CMD FD-4000. I'm using a wifi modem so no need for TCPSER OR BBS Server. BUT I have had issues with the wifi modem disconnection correctly. The BBS is not running on a SuperCPU at the moment. Hopefully I will be able to get my hands on one before long.

I need a handful of people to test the BBS. I would prefer people that have BBS experience. If you would like to test send me a PM. If you had an login on the BBS before but don't remember it, let me know and I will look it up. Thanks!

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